Zëri i Rinisë 1992

Newspaper of the Union of Youth

Summary of Key Articles – curated and translated by Prof. Artan Puto

February 22 page 2 has a long statement by the Forum for Human Rights defending the right of the Greek minority to run as a separate organization in the forthcoming elections. (Note: This issue was the subject of intense political debate with some viewing representation for the Greek minority as a “fifth column.”)

March 4 page 4 has an article about the Greek minority by Abdi Baleta (former ambassador to the UN under Hoxha and then a DP member and outspoken nationalist).

April 11 page 1 has an editorial on the election of Sali Berisha as president of the country and the Portuguese and Spanish models of transition that he wants to pursue. This model foresees a moderate transition without revenge and discrimination against political adversaries. The election of Berisha is considered as filling an institutional vacuum with a strong personality who enjoys the people’s support.

Zëri i Rinisë 1991

Newspaper of the Union of Youth

Summary of Key Articles – curated and translated by Prof. Artan Puto

9 January pg.1 has a report on the election of Ramiz Alia as a candidate of the Labor Youth Union of Albania, BRPSH (Bashkimi i Rinisë së Punës së Shqipërisë). On 26 January pg.1 there is an article written for the 55th birthday of the writer Ismail Kadare. The article is written by Neshat Tozaj and Remzi Lani. It is the first article about Kadare since he left the country in October of 1990.

On 19 January there is a long article by Lisien Bashkurti, first secretary of the BRPSH, who presents the position of the youth organisation in the new conditions of the multi-party electoral campaign. Bashkurti says that this organization should not be included in any party and must remain independent with its own goals of national unity. The author is against the political involvement of the youth in the different political parties and supports preserving unity and avoiding divisions.

9 February pg.1 has a report on the student strike at the University of Tirana and other institutions to demand, among other points, a depolitization of the lessons and changing of the name to University of Tirana (from Enver Hoxha University). 13 February pg.1 has a report on the meeting of representatives of political parties with the striking students. It includes the names of the student leaders, such as Tefalin Malshyti and Arian Manahasa. Political leaders give their views on removing the name of Enver Hoxha from the university.

16 February pg.4 has an interview with Napoleon Roshi, director of the foreign section of Radio Tirana, given to Remzi Lani, where he explains the position of journalists in the transiation period. The major problems the country is going through are, according to Roshi, the difficult economic situation and, above all, the lack of confidence.

23 February the first pg. is dedicated to the declaration of the newly founded presidential council, which condemns the pulling down of the Enver Hoxha statue in Tirana.

23 February pg.3 has an interview with the writer Vath Koreshi given to the chief editor of the paper, Remzi Lani, with the title “Pluralism or the Return to Truth,” where he says that pluralism means freedom for the arts and the return to individuality. Koreshi says the country also needs social peace and a more moderate political struggle between parties. The paper holds a balanced position by publishing interviews like this with writers, journalists and artists supporting pluralism on the one hand and, on the other, by publishing on the first page the decrees and reports from the Party of Labor and Alia.

On 2 March pg.1 the paper publishes announcement of the Ministry of Education which says that, due to the difficult situaation in the country, the school system will continue with remote learning (“me korrespondence”).

On 9 March pg.1 has a declaration of the BRPSH which says that it is against destruction and vandalist acts and expresses its support for Ramiz Alia.

On 23 March pg. 4 there is an article by Skender Gjinushi, former minister of education and later head of the Social Democratic Party, entitled “Europluralism and Albania.” The author explains how political pluralism was established in Albania and says that Albania will follow the European exemple as far as politics is concerned. He says that the more this process is led by intelligentsia and young forces, the more peaceful it will be.

27 March, pg.1, has an interview with Fatos Nano given to the Spanish paper “El Mundo.” He speaks about the emergency situation in the country, the economical reforms, the political situation, the exodus, the situation of human rights in the country, etc.

30 March pg.1 and 4 has information from the press conference by Ramiz Alia on the eve of elections. He answers questions about Enver Hoxha, about the reform process inside PLA, and about the influence of events in East Europe. Alia still denies that events in East Europe played any role in the developments in the country.

3 April has the communication from the presidential council informing about the events in Shkodra, calling them acts by terrorist groups.

6 April on pg.1 has the editorial of the paper after the elections of March 31, considering the elections a the victory of democracy and appealing to Albanians to retun to work and to accept the verdict of the people. On the same pg. and continuing on pg. 4 is a report on the meeting Ramiz Alia had with Hajrullah Gorani, head of the independent Kosovo trade unions, who views the elections in Albania positively and calls them a political victory of the Albanian people and a support for their brethren in Kosovo.

17 April pg. 1 has an editorial by Remzi Lani on the first session of the first pluralist Albanian parliament. Lani considers Alia to be the only personality who can keep the balance between the political parties. Alia was still considered a point of reference and a man who could manage a transition.

20 April pg. 2 has an article written by Gaqo Apostoli (later secretary of the Social Democratic Party) entitled “Political Polarization in the Albanian Pluralist Society.” The author is of the opinion that the political polarization of Albanian society comes from the struggle beween the two main parties and the creation of new parties in the center woud facilitate a more peaceful social situation.

24 April pg.1 covers the legalization of the Social Democratic Party and presents its program.

29 May has a long report written by Remzi lani and Faruk Myrtaj on pg.1 about the strike of the workers in the coal mine of Valias, close to Tirana, and the names of some of the strike leaders (such as Sami Karriqi and Gezim Kalaja).

1 June pg.1 has an editorial by Remzi Lani entitled “What We Need?” He says the country is at a crossroad after the miners’ strike and with strains in other sectors of economy. An important step is to declare a social pact signed by all parties and organizations, form a new government of national salvation with the partecipation of opposition parties, and hold new elections.

June 1 pages 1-2 have an interview with the Kosovo historian Rexhep Qosja given to chief editor Remzi Lani. Qosja speaks about the role intellectuals, the position of Kosovo, the policy of Europe, and the impact of Albania’s democratization process on Kosovo. Qosja considers the victory of the communists in Albania in the first elections as counter to the national interests and predicts a long democratic transition in Albania.

5 June pg.1 covers the resignation of the government and the end of the miners’ strike.

8 June has an interview with Xhelil Gjoni, Politburo member and secretary of the central committee of PLA, who speaks on the eve of the 10th party congress. Gjoni speaks about reforms in the party, the figure of Enver Hoxha, and how he sees the future of the PLA.

12 June on pages 1-2 has the speech of the writer Dritero Agolli held at the 10th congress of the PLA with the title “Democratzation Demands a Clear Separation from the Errors of the Past.” Agolli heavily criticizes the transgressions of the past, including the dictatorship of Enver Hoxha, and misguided policies on economics and foreign affairs.

22 June on pg. 1 there’s an interview with the Albanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Muhamet Kapllani who speaks about Albania’s admission into the OSCE, its inflence on the national problem, and on relations with the US and Europe.

22 June pg. 3 has a long interview with Todi Lubonja, former head of Albanian Radio and Television and the political prisoner, given to Remzi Lani with the title “History Should be Rewritten,” where he speaks about reforms in the PLA. He says that the renovation process in the party requires an open analysis of the role of Enver Hoxha. Lubonja is disappointed by the 10th PLA congress.

10 July pg. 2 has an interview with Hysni Milloshi, head of the “Enver Hoxha Association,” given to Remzi Lani. He speaks about the figure of Hoxha and his position towards the new Socialist Party.

20 July has an interview with Neritan Ceka, chairman of the Democratic Party parliamentary group, who speaks about the DP joining the government of stability, the renovation of the PLA, and the role of trade unions, among other subjects.

3 August pg. 2 has an interview with Bajram Yzeiri, Minister of Public Order, who speaks about the increase in criminality and its causes. He explains the position of the police forces in the new conditions of political pluralism.

21 August pg. 1 has declarations from some Albanian politicians about the coup in the Soviet Union. They recognize the role of Gorbatchev in overthrowing communism in East Europe.

14 September pg. 2 has an interview with Gramoz Pashko from the DP and deputy prime minister of the stability government, who speaks about the economic reforms (“shock therapy”) and his relations with Fatos Nano, the Prime Minister Ylli Bufi and the writer Ismail Kadare. He calls the attacks by political parties against the government “neo-communism” and says that the state and parties should be distinct. He says that his dissident activities started in the 1970s, while he became a PLA member in April 1990.

23 September pg.1 has an editorial by Hamdi Dega with the title “A Historical Decision for the Albanian Nation.” The author refers to the decision of the Parliament of Kososvo declaring Kosovo an independent state. He says that this decision is of great importance for the Albanian nation and invites the Albanian government to recognizes it immediately.

2 October pg. 3 has the whole speech of Preç Zogaj in the first national convention of the Democratic Party where he critizised for the first time his party for not being open to intellectuals.

5 October pg. 2 has an article by Fatos Lubonja entitled “National Reconciliation or the Struggle for Power.” He analyzes the process of national reconciliation after the fall of the communist regime.

19 October pg. 2 has another article by Lubonja called “Once Again on National Reconciliation,” where he calls for a process of national reconciliation.

23 October pg. 2 has an interview with Prime Minister Ylli Bufi with the title “There  is No Stability Without Reform.” Bufi speaks about the government’s strategy for the reforms, its position on the political parties and on trade-unions.

23 October on pg.2 has a long article with the title “Members of Parliament and of Government, Watch Out!” written by Bardhi Verria. The author focuses on the Greek minority in Albania and considers as a “grave provocation” the claim by some Greek minority representatives that their issue should be considered with the same attention as what’s given to Kosovo.

30 November pages.1-2 have an interview with President Ramiz Alia given to the chief editor Remzi Lani. He addresses the period just before political pluralism and how Alia “prepared the ground” for these later events.

4 December pg. 2 has an interview with Ismail Kadare given to Remzi Lani, where he speaks about the transition in Albania, the national reconciliation process, and the role of Ramiz Alia.

Zëri i Rinisë 1990

Newspaper of the Union of Youth

Summary of Key Articles – curated and translated by Prof. Artan Puto

13 January pg. 1 has an interview with Politburo member Foto Çami, given to the Albanian Radio Television (RTSH), in which he denies rumors about anti-communist demonstrations in some Albanian towns. These rumors are intended to foment trouble and prepare the scenario for protests as in other East European countries, Çami says.

21 February edition has an article by Napoleon Roshi, who writes about the so-called “freedom of press in western journalism.” The author says that the “freedom of press so widely propagated by western propaganda is not a true freedom as it serves the interests of the big magnates.”

10 March pg. 2 has an interview with Fatos Tarifa, professor of philosophy at the Faculty of Political Sciences, Enver Hoxha University, who summarizes a meeting in Vienna convened by UNESCO about problems in the family. Tarifa writes about the crisis of the family in the West and praises the Albanian family during the socialist period.

14 April pg. 2 has another article by Fatos Tarifa with the title “Sociological Poll – an Efficient Mechanism to Know Public Opinion.” The author introduces the notion of needing to know what the public thinks to develop effective policy (as opposed to the all-knowing wisdom of the party).

2 May pages 3-4 have the speech of Lisien Bashkurti, secretary of the youth organization, at the meeting of the organization’s Central Committee. He presents the changes in Albania as guided by Ramiz Alia. (Note: Bashkuri later became ambassador to Hungary in the Sali Berisha government.)

23 June pg. 2 article by the economist (and future Socialist Party head and Prime Minister) Fatos Nano with the title “New Economic Mechanism Spurs Progress and Civic Engagement to Work and Create.” The author addresses the impact of the economic mechanism in which enterprises are allowed to manage their own funds. He argues that, in the current situation, Albania needs qualitative changes in its economic relations.

30 June edition runs a short press release on the visit to Bulgaria of Alia’s foreign policy advisor, Sofokli Lazri, where he meets with President Mladenov and delivers a message from Alia.

4 July pg. 1 has a government statement criticizing the thousands of people who stormed different western embassies in Tirana, calling them hooligans.

5 September pg. 3 has an article by Ardian Klosi with the title “For Our Publications from the Foreign Literature; Correcting the Notion.” The author expresses his opinion that the translations of foreign-language books and literature into Albanian are very poor quality.

3 October pg. 4 has an editorial without author entitled “A Testimony to the Prestige and Rising International Authority of Our Country.” The article summarizes Ramiz Alia’s speech at the UN General Assembly.

6 October pages 3-4 have an interview with Besnik Mustafaj with the title “Searching Everyday and Continuously for the Truth.” Mustafaj condemns the use of the arts for propaganda and conformism. (Note: while not touching on politics, articles like this began to offer gentle critiques of the status quo.)

27 October has an editorial on pg. 1 entitled “BRPSH – A Separate Subject in the Draft for the Popular Assembly Elections.” The piece addresses the issue of the BRPSH (union of youth) participating in the forthcoming elections as a separate entity – a further indication of the country’s democratization. (Note: this was consistent with Alia’s policy at the time to introduce changes within the party’s control – later articulated as pluralism of thought rather than pluralism of parties.) On the same pg. there is also a short government statement about Ismail Kadare asking for political asylum in France, thereby “putting himself at the service of the enemies of Albania and the Albanian nation.”

3 November pages 2-3 have the speech of Foto Çami, secretary of the PLA’s Central Committee, to a conference of young artists in Korça. He combines the need to improve school textbooks with contemporary literature and the argument that Albania needs only the “pluralism of thought” rather than pluralism of parties, which could not function in Albania.

17 November pg. 1 has an interview with Çerçiz Loloçi, secretary for the youth organization of Tirana, who says that, although the youth organization has to present itself as an independent organization in the upcoming elections, it will “refer to the party, which has led this process for 50 years, refer to its program in the interest of progress and national development.”

1 December pg. 1 has an interview with Lisien Bashkurti, first secretary of the youth organization, who says that the democratization process has put an end to longstanding autocratic methods that imposed pre-fabicated programs. He says the BRPSH will run as an independent association in the elections and non-members can candidate.

22 December pg. 2 has an interview with the writer Dritero Agolli entitled “Democracy, Pluralism and Intelligentsia.” Agolli considers political pluralism to be a new phase of the country’s development. He says that “pluralism of thought prepared the ground for the more advanced political pluralism” and considers Alia as the principal intellectual and “promoter of the democratic process.”

Bashkimi Newspaper 1990

Newspaper of the Democratic Front

Summary of Key Articles – curated and translated by Prof. Artan Puto

25 January – Almost the full paper contains the speech of Ramiz Alia to the 9th plenium of the Party of Labor (PLA). Alia speaks about events in East Europe and some minor changes in Albania.

3 February  – page one has the letter of Albania’s foreign minister to UN Secretary-General Javiar Perez de Cuellar on events in Kosovo.

14 February – page one has the declaration of Albania’s foreign ministry spokesman which denies any Albanian interference in the events in Kosovo.

14 March – page three and four have an article written by Qemal Lame, Head of the Investigation Office with the title “Perfectioning Socialist Democracy Demands a Further Democratization of the Justice System.” Lame writes about the decision of 9th plenium of the PLA to recognize lawyers during the investigation process.

19 April – Almost the whole paper has the speech of Ramiz Alia to the 10th plenum of the PLA Central Committee. Alia speaks about the US and Soviet Union and events in East Europe, as well as events in Kosovo.

9 May – Speech of Deputy Prime Minister Manush Myftiu on important changes to the Albanian penal code.

14 May – An article written by Genc Kondi with the title “A Reciprocally Friutful Visit” about the visit to Albania of de Cuellar. The author considers the visit important for Albania and calls for strengthening relations with the UN. He explains how Albania sees global problems from “a socialist perspective, from the experience of our history and from the  reality of Albania as a small country, with its own geostrategic position, which strives for peace and freedom for its citizens in all aspects.”

28 June – Page three has an article written by Aleks Luarasi with the title “The Juridicial Education of Masses Must Be Away from Formalism.” Dean at the law school at Enver Hoxha University and member of the presidency of the Democratic Front, the author explains recent changes to Albanian legislation. All changes, he says, have been generated by the party and to a certain degree by the evolution of Socialist society.

9 July – Page one has short pieces by two professors of the law faculty, Luan Omari and Ksenofon Krisafi, who give their opinions on the events of July 2, when thousands of people entered the foreign embassies in Tirana.

14 July – Page one and two have reports on a meeting in Tirana’s main square right after the evacuation of the people from the foreign embassies.

1 August – Page one has some decrees of the Presídium of the People Assembly under the title “Decrees for the Further Economic and Social Development of the Country.” These include the decree on the protection of foreign investments in Albania, on foreign credit, and on the right to organiize public rallies.

20 August – Page two has an article by Kleanthi Zoto with the title “Pluralism of Thought – A Necessity of the Time.” The author says that pluralism of thought is necessary for the development of Albanian society and a return to the best Albanian traditions. It’s a response, Zoto says, to the development of political pluralism elsewhere in East Europe and an attempt to say that “we have our traditions and our experiences, so we don’t need the others.” Pluralism of thought is also something new in contrast to the conservatives and bureaucrats, who are stuck in old dogmas. Dogma here means “to blindly accept decisions and to put them into practice without taking into account the specificity of the situation.” The article is a critique of practices but not ideology.

7 September – Pages one and two have reports on a meeting that Ramiz Alia had with activists from social organizations under the title “Democratization of Political System – the Continuation of the Program of the Party.” Alia speaks about the events of July (storming of the embassies) and considers them to have been fomented by the foreign enemy, mentioning also the “disoriented youth of the towns.” He calls for close cooperation with the UN and, in this context, informs the public about his upcomhing visit to New York.

17 September – Pages two and three have an article by Dr. Sali Berisha called “Democracy and Humanism – An Inseparable Duo.” Berisha stresses the importance of Albania’s democratization for Kosovo and the role of intellectuals in that democratization. He criticizes “conservatives” who resist change and hold firm to “old ways,” saying at the same time that pluralism is rooted in Albanian tradition. [NOTE: Calling for pluralism under cover of “forgotten traditions” was safer at the time. Comparing the situation in Albania with the changes in East Europe was to link Albania to international trends, which the still-communist leadership rejected. They tried to promote gradual reform as “the Albanian way” – in this case, pluralism of thought instead of pluralism of parties.]

29 September – Speech of Ramiz Alia at the 45th session of UN General Assembly in New York, where he mentions Kosovo and developments in East Europe. “The mere exaltation of democracy and human rights cannot be the magic key to the solution of the major, indeed we would say the dramatic, problems of those countries,” he said, referring to East and Central Europe.

27 October – First page has a brief press release from ATSH (Albanian Telegraphic Agency) with the title “Ismail Kadare Deserted.” The Albanian writer has sought political asylum in France, the article says.

29 October – Pages one and two have an interview with Aleks Luarasi, vice dean of the law faculty at Enver Hoxha University and a member of the presidency of the Democratic Front, about the new draft electoral law. Among the new elements, consistent with “pluralism of thought,” is that voters can choose from multiple candidates but all of them are still from the Democratic Front.

8 November – Almost the whole paper has the speech of Ramiz Alia to the 12th plenum of the Party of Labor’s Central Committee, entitled ” Strengthening of Popular Power and Perfectioning of the Political System Invigors Democratic Developments,” which covers foreign policy and “democratic changes.”

10 December – Page one has a short press release on the first protests in Tirana’s Student City.

12 December – Page one has the decision of the 13th plenum of the Central Committee of the PLA to release some Politburo members from their positions, as well as a report on the meeting that Ramiz Alia had with some students and young professors from Enver Hoxha University after the first major demonstrations, during which he announced the legalization of political parties.

13 December – Page one has the speech of Ramiz Alia to the nation after his meeting with the students. “Democracy and pluralism, either ideological or political, must lead toward popular unity and not to división,” Alia says. Divisions have always been provoked by foreign states, he says. Pages one and three have a short report on the meeting in Student City after the decision to create the Democratic Party.

16 December – Page one covers the meeting of Ramiz Alia with a group of farmers from Peza, using firm langauge to call the student protests dangerous.

19 December – Page one covers the decision of the organization of the communist youth to declare itself an independent association. [Note: Consistent with Party of Labor efforts to create “independent associations” out of its former satellites organizations.]

22 December – Page one has a short press release on the decision of the Council of Ministers to remove Stalin’s name from all institutions.