Documents in Book

Declassified by Freedom of Information Act

1982 – 1990

   Intelligence report after death of Prime Minister Mehmet Shehu, June 1982doc 4

   Political analysis around the “eventual passing” of Enver Hoxha, September 1983

1991 – 1992

   U.S. meeting with Democratic Party leaders in Bulgaria, March 1991

   Visit of Sali Berisha and Gramoz Pashko to Washington, March 1991

   Visit of Sali Berisha and Gramoz Pashko to Washington, March 1991

   CIA political analysis, August 1991

   Report prior to second democratic elections, March 1992

   Report prior to second democratic elections, March 1992 

   Visit of Defense Minister Safet Zhulali to Washington, April 1992docs 02

   Letter of Secretary of State James Baker to President Sali Berisha, April 1992

1993 – 1995

   Report on the case against Fatos Nano, April 1993

   Meeting of Defense Minister Safet Zhulali with Under Secretary of State Lynn Davis, June 1993

   Report on the arrest of Fatos Nano, August 1993

   Visit to Albania of Defense Secretary William Perry, July 1994

   Analysis of the constitutional referendum, November 1994

   Analysis of the constitutional referendum, November 1994docs 03

   Analysis of the constitutional referendum, December 1994

   Letter from Richard Holbrooke to President Berisha re the Omonia case, February 1995

   Removal of Eduard Selami as Democratic Party Chairman, March 1995

   US government decision to stem oil smuggling from Albania to Serbia, April 1995

   CIA analysis of judiciary and case against Fatos Nano, August 1995

   Analysis prior to the May 1996 elections, October 1995

   Intelligence report on spread of Balkan conflict, December 1995


   Analysis of the banking system and pyramid schemes, February 1996

   Visit of Under Secretary of State Timothy Wirth, April 1996

   Meeting of Undersecretary of State Timothy with President Berisha, April 1996

   Meeting of Secretary of State Warren Christopher with Foreign Minister Alfred Serreqi, May 1996

   Report on the 1996 elections, May 1996

   Refusal of President Berisha to meet Under Secretary of State Timothy Wirth, July 1996

   Report on the 1996 elections, July 1996

   World Bank on the pyramid schemes, September 1996

   Meeting of Foreign Minister Tritan Shehu with Under Secretary of State Timothy Wirth and Under Secretary Peter Tarnoff, October 1996

   Albanian government statement on the pyramid schemes, October 1996


   Albanian government’s stance on Kosovo, January 1997

   Accusations by Bashkim Gazidede against the U.S. during the 1997 crisis, April 1997

   Analysis of pre-war violence in Kosovo, March 1997

1998 – 1999

   Report from the Albania-Kosovo border, July 1998

   Organized crime in post-war Kosovo, October 1999

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