Koha Jonë

March 27, 1993

Explanation regarding the news

“Tens of Tanks Towards Northeastern Border”

Koha Jonë dated March 24, 1993, published the article titled Tens of Tanks Towards Northeastern Border. Its publication was followed by several comments made by the authorities of the Ministry of Defense in radio and TV. The news was declared to be false and ungrounded. To this end, we clarify that it is true that on March 21, 22, 23, 1993 tens of tanks have gone along the national northern road passing also through Lezha. The editorial staff recognizes the mistake of saying “towards the northeastern border” instead of “towards the northern border.”

Regarding the accusation made against the chief editor, Mr. Aleksander Frangaj, that “he has disseminated information that causes panic,” we clarify: the news was written and published based on the principles of the free press, which informs about what really happens. The newspaper and the news published do not intend to cause panic. If we analyze this news from the moral point of view, we would reach the conclusion that it is against the panic of the army and the Albanian people.

Given the situation, in which many Albanians know that the former regime left the country without a capable protective military ability, this news encourages people and raises their morale, informing them that we possess tanks and the ability to protect the people in case of a possible attack. So, it keeps morale high. This is how everybody understands or should understand the morals of this news.

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